100% natural ingredients

Our products are formulated from plant, algae and mineral extracts, without harmful chemicals.

es thrips, moucherons de terreau et cochenilles sont parmi les ravageurs les plus courants qui peuvent infester vos plantes d'intérieur et d'extérieur. Ces petits insectes peuvent causer des dommages importants à vos végétaux, affectant leur croissance et leur santé.


Mini format, maximum efficiency

The new Jungle Buddies are smaller but just as powerful, effective against thrips, mealybugs and fungus gnats.

Only €9.90
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    Rare plant serum

    Your plants deserve the best

    Orchid Serum

    A bloom in your image: dazzling

    Citrus Serum

    For succulent fruits

Our best sellers

Jungle feed

Olla - Revolutionized watering

Our customers love it, why not you?

  • The instructions for use are simple and easy to understand and the quantity is sufficient to treat all my plants :)

    Marie Lou

  • The product works well. I rinse the leaves of my plant before spraying the product and I water the soil so as not to have a recurrence


  • Great, fast shipping, all my plants are being processed. I can already see the results! Thank you very much


  • All the plant serums have revitalized all my monsteras (deliciosa, thai constellation, variegata...)


  • This is already the second time I have used nematodes as a natural treatment.
    My plants have found beautiful leaves again


100% natural products

Our values

To provide quality products that nourish, protect and beautify your plants while respecting nature. We firmly believe in the importance of a sustainable commitment to the environment and planet-friendly solutions.

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